diamon weekly


Place: Stockholm
Type: Showroom & coffee bar
Year: 2014
Project group: Ylva Frid, Ola Broms Wessel
Carpentry works made by Lejon & Götestam.

Diamon Weekly is a showroom, shop and coffee bar for a series of carefully selected everyday products.

The store serves as an outward part of the company Diamon 's activity, where direct sales and showroom is combined with the company’s office. The interior is designed to reflect the combination of simplicity and exclusivity that characterizes the product range of organically produced teas, skin care products, notebooks and other consumables. Marble has been mixed with unpainted perforated board, which gave a flexible system for the display of products on the wall. The patchwork of concrete and tile hidden under the floor carpet was uncovered and polished, and gave a vivid floor surfaces with traces of the store's earlier history.

Being able to smell the scent and the lather of the wide assortment of soaps and skin care products an important part in the operation that showroom and shop, and the freestanding basin for testing has a central place in the room.