The clock as a tool


Circular process
Working with themes is an iterative process where the clock and the circular process are used as an analogy. With the help of the process, distinct goals are set, which are tested and evaluated by all parties involved.

Broad investigation
The different parts of the clock encompass the totality of the project and include social, economic and environmental values.
The task is to gather knowledge about the environment, landscape, architecture, urban planning, engineering, antiquarian values, social values and process knowledge, such as the relevant Collaborative business relationship management systems and all the knowledge to be found among the present residents and people involved in various activities in the neighbourhood and surrounding area.

Further development of the clock
The clock is universally useable and an important part in developing a new approach to urban development is to continue working with the separate sections of the clock. It can be to obtain a more profound understanding of economic values linked to area development or a deeper  knowledge of landscape and ecology .  Many of these issues are related to social challenges.

The Million Program Clock
In connection with the project Fittja People’s Palace, Spridd developed a 12-step design- tool to approach a comprehensive vision for sustainable renovation. The various steps are designed to be applied to the current situation in Fittja as well as in other similar areas. It encompasses both the life people live there and the housing facilities. The challenge is to achieve a balance between site-specific conditions and more general knowledge and information about society, construction and technology.

1.Observation of the existing values
2.Involving the residents
3.Preserving/maintaining/protecting/green areas
4.Refining/improving/the public center and ground floor spaces of buildings
5.Developing the existing buildings and public spaces
6.Upgrading the existing infrastructure
7.Benefitting from the existing rational building structure
8.Using public transport
9.Observing regional perspectives
10.Using public services
11.Mobilizing ownership and responsibility
12.Creating partnership and a transparent process