The Royal Danish Playhouse
Open competition, Royal Danish Theatre
Copenhagen 2001
This is a proposal for a new building for theatre and dance for the Royal Danish Theatre. The intention of the proposal is to further accentuate the Sankt Annæ Square and at the same time form a link between the city with Ströget, Kongens Nytorv and Nyhavn and the new areas at Holmen on the other side of the harbour where the new Opera house is situated. The house expresses a verticality in relation to the axis formed by Amelienborg and the new Opera with its horizontal out reaching roof.From the square at the entrance of the building one enters the theatre on a stairway which runs on both sides of the house. One reaches a “golden foyer” where one has a view of the sea-approach. The big auditorium dominates the building while the side auditoriums shoot out from the main body of the building. Further up in the building there are dancing and rehearsal rooms. Under the “golden foyer” there is another smaller auditorium and in the bottom floor by the entrance there is a restaurant and café. On the large outdoor stairway one can sit in the sun and enjoy the place. Project group: Ola Broms Wessel, Carl Wern