Place: The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities
Year: 2005
Project group: Catarina Santos, Christina Shutrick, Klas Ruin, Ola Broms Wessel, Clara Abreau
Collaboration: aPolis + Spridd
Open volumes at the exhibition "the Middle Kingdom"
Proposal to an invited competion where different parts of the long museum building are thought to connect. The entrance hall comes closer to the library as well as the auditorium where a new café is proposed.The intention is to let the building of Tessin stand in contrast to a Chinese and Asian tradition with low exhibition showcases, tables and seating places. The room is to be experiences as open as possible. A black floor is the background for the exhibits and a clear view between the facades is important to enable visual contact with the surrounding city. The other contestants were Johan Celsing and Tham Widegård Hansson (winners)